The Color of Naught
Episode 3.4 - Jan. 27, 1996
Lee Tergesen is the voice Chett -- his character in "Weird
Science" -- for a brief crossover into this animated show. "Duckman" and "Weird
Science" were two of the USA Network's cult comedies in the
Duckman is described at TV Tome as "the best show about an
insane, alcoholic, sex-starved, murderous detective duck and his pig
In this episode, Duckman (voiced by Jason Alexander) must foil a plot by his
archnemesis, King Chicken (Tim Curry).
The premise concerns a product called Beautex that makes people
stunningly beautiful. However, the Beautex craze turns out to be a
"hideous plot" by King Chicken to get back at Duckman.
King Chicken captures Duckman's girlfriend and his family and a few
stray others -- notably Chett, Wyatt and Gary from "Weird
Science" as part of a diabolical programming ploy by USA
Chett is bizarrely drawn, and his brief lines include putting
down King Chicken and his TV show: "Look your broil
highness, we're from Weird Science and like most of this country we
don't waste good babe-snaring time watching your pitiful little
King Chicken reveals that Beautex really is a deadly virus that
eats away at matter until it eventually devolves into nothingness.
As the whole city vanishes, Duckman scampers to Beautex headquarters
and confronts King Chicken.
However, he is momentarily distracted by the guys from
"Weird Science." He tells them, "I never
miss your show. I just wish it weren't so darn complicated. Who can
follow those convoluted, twisty story lines." The guys' hope
for rescue plummet.
Of course, Duckman saves the day, but not before the "Weird
Science" guys plummet into the void. The "Duckman: cast is
unconcerned: "Oh well, let their producers worry
about it."