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6.4 A Failure to Communicate
January 26, 2003

Work in progress

Beecher comes to Oz in a new suit to visit Keller and some other prisoners. He pauses at the gate, working up the courage to enter. Sister Pete arrives to tell him that Said is dead. Beecher is stunned.

He visits a prisoner in the hospital, who complains about being given hard tasks despite a back disability. Beecher goes to Glynn with Gloria, who backs the diagnosis. Beecher gets tough and forces Glynn to fire the guards who gave the prisoner hard tasks. Glynn agrees. Gloria tells Beecher he's good at prisoner advocacy and Beecher beams proudly.

He goes to see Keller to talk about they case and how to discredit the witness. After the court stuff, Keller asks Beecher how he's doing and what it's like on the outside. Toby tells him that he and the kids have been spending a lot of time outdoors and that Holly's teacher makes him laugh out loud. Keller says he happy for him. They kiss good-bye. A few days later, Beecher returns to Keller's cell just as Vern is delivering the mail. He makes Vern stay to hear that Keller is off Death Row. Keller shouts his glee and grabs Toby for a kiss. "I owe you my life, Toby," he says. Keller goes to Unit B and immediately kills Winthrop in revenge for Harrison's death.

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