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4.15 Even the Score
February 18, 2001

Work in progress

In rehab, a jonesing Omar White attacks Beecher when he misinterprets something Toby says. A fight breaks out and several prisoners end up in the infirmary. McClain tells Beecher his parole hearing has been set for next Wednesday. He asks if the Rockwells have been contacted. She says no. He asks that they be. Sister Pete says she'll do it but wants Toby to have an intervention with them before the parole board hearing. Toby agrees.

Mr. Rockwell is angry and lets Beecher know. Mrs. Rockwell is more forgiving. Toby tells them he's suffered a lot in prison but doesn't know it its enough for them. He tells them about his wife and son's deaths and says he now understands how they feel. They say they won't interfere with his parole. Beecher is moved to tears.


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