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4.13 Blizzard of '01
February 4, 2001

Work in progress

Beecher suggests throwing a bachelor party for Busmalis. Beecher's new roommate, Col. Ed Galson, has been convicted of rape and tells Beecher he hates fags. Galson tells him he won't have any trouble adjusting to life in Oz. In rehab, Galson and Beecher have words over weakness and addiction. Sister Pete introduces Toby to Katherine McClain, an attorney with a prisoner's advocacy group. She wants to help Beecher prepare for his parole hearing. Beecher is stunned and surprised, McClain tells him to keep out of trouble. someone suggests Beecher go on "Up Your Ante" cause he knows all the answers. Just before lights out, Galson makes a slur about fags and Beecher attacks him. He ends up in the cage. 


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