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Ask Lee

During 2002-2004, the "Ask Lee" portion of the site was a popular feature. Fans submitted questions for Lee to answer on the Web site. The archives are at right for your reading enjoyment.

There had been good intentions to re-start this feature, but it hasn't worked out. Maybe someday!

PLEASE NOTE: E-mails sent to any address on this site DO NOT go to Lee. Please do not send private questions, fan mail or requests for autographs to any e-mail address on this site. Fan mail and any other correspondence for Lee should be sent to his management company:

Lee Tergesen
c/o  The Gersh Agency
41 Madison Ave.
33rd Floor
New York, NY 10010

Attn: Bill Butler

Chats & Interviews

Interview with Lee Tergesen and Michael Manasseri, 1996?Hollywood Spotlight Chat, RealHollywood.Com, Aug. 7, 1997
Chat transcript, TVGen, Aug. 18, 1998
Interview transcript, HBO, 1998
Chat transcript, Hollywood Spotlight, 1999
Interview transcript, HBO, 1999
Chat transcript, HBO/TalkCity, July 20, 2000
Interview with Lee Tergesen, PlanetOut, July 18, 2002
Profiles in Oz: Lee Tergesen, Windy City Times, Jan. 15, 2003


Ask Lee Archives

January 2004
April 2003
October 2002
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002

Thanks go to Dori
for recording
and transcribing!